FTP, which is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol, represents the most popular method of sending content to a hosting account. With an FTP application that is installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can establish a connection to your website hosting server and copy all the files that you want with a few clicks. You can do this via a user-friendly graphical interface and it is as easy as dragging & dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is that you are able to create separate accounts, each one with a different level of access to your online storage space, so if you wish to provide a 3rd party with access, for instance – a designer, they’ll be able to access only one particular directory and will not be able to view the rest of your web content or any other information, such as private details. You need three prerequisites in order to be able to set up an FTP connection – a hostname, which is normally a domain name or an IP, a user name and a password.
FTP Accounts in Shared Website Hosting
Our shared website hosting plans will permit you to set up numerous FTP accounts with only a couple of clicks of the mouse via the Hepsia Control Panel and to choose what website files and folders each one can connect to. There isn’t any upper limit to the total number of accounts that you’re allowed to set up, so you can have as many as you need at any particular moment. In case you don’t want to use a particular FTP account anymore or in case a web designer has accomplished their task and you do not want them to access your web content anymore, you can simply delete the account in question. The FTP section of the Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to view all currently active FTP accounts listed in alphabetical order, along with various options, which you can access with one click. You will be able to update the password and the access path, to download an auto-configuration file, and so on. We also have comprehensive help articles, which can help you manage your FTP accounts if you experience any difficulty.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated plans are very powerful, which makes them perfect for hosting an enormous number of websites. Speaking of which, we have decided not to restrict the number of FTP accounts that you can set up, so you can have a separate FTP account for each site that you host on our servers. All FTP accounts will be shown in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each semi-dedicated account. For each of them, you’ll be able to view the access path and to change it, if needed. Furthermore, you can set up the account in an FTP client of your choosing by downloading an auto-config file and running it on your home computer, which will save you time. In case you’ve never had a hosting account before, you can check our exhaustive educational videos, which are available in the same Control Panel section.
FTP Accounts in VPS Servers
The VPS server plans offered by us will enable you to create unlimited FTP accounts to manage the content of your websites. This is valid regardless of which Virtual Private Server plan you purchase and which hosting Control Panel you pick on the order form – DirectAdmin, cPanel or Hepsia. In any case, you will be given FTP access to the VPS without the need to install any kind of software, since an FTP server is part of the standard software suite which comes with the Virtual Private Server packages by default. You can set up one FTP account for each domain or sub-domain that you’ve got or even several accounts for one single directory – in case you want a number of people to be able to access the web content in it with their very own set of sign-in credentials. With each of the available Control Panels, creating, deleting or editing an FTP account will require no more than a few clicks through a simple-to-navigate web interface.